PD visit - part 1
The following took place on Friday, May 4, 2007
I called and left a message for PD to let him know I was heading on the road on last Friday afternoon (after I finished at Temple in the morning. Yes, I packed my bags at like 6am and put them in the car before work). My ETA was 7pm-ish.
PD called back apologizing for missing the call because he was in the air. He's a private pilot's license and he was putting in some flight time when I rang.
"So tomorrow... what do you think about flying to Niagara Falls?" he asks.
"That sounds AWESOME!" I said.
He'd never been. I have, twice. Once on a family vacation over 20 years ago when I was about 11. And more recently - well, it must have been 1995 - with my sister for a weekend when we were in college. She was 20 and we both wanted to drink legally. Mom and Dad didn't know we took their car out of the country.
"Oh, wait... I don't have to actually DO anything during the flight, do I? I don't have to touch anything?" I was worried I would have some sort of instrument responsibility or some such nonsense.
"Nope, just sit back and look around and enjoy," he said. "You'd better not touch anything! That could be bad. Oh, one thing. Do you get motion sickness at all?"
"Great. Then there should be no problems."
He also said that he was heading home to clean. I told him not to panic, he'd plenty of time. I don't drive like he does - I do the speed limit most of the time and I stop to pee, get gas, and stretch my legs. I knew I was stopping at least once to fill up the tank, since I hadn't done that before I got to work in the morning. He had promised earlier in the week that he would vacuum up the dog hair before I arrived. And I did think it was sweet that he was going to straighten up the place just to impress me.
So, after I crossed the border into NY on I-81, I stopped at the NY welcome center. The rest stops in NY on I-81 are very nice, by the way. I picked up a few of the glossy tourist booklets about Niagra Falls while I was there. I didn't know what was still open or not and I sure as hell didn't remember where anything really was, so maps were helpful.
I was doing fine until two exits before his on I-81 when I had to remind myself to breathe. Deep breaths. In and Out. I do a lot of driving but man, like it hit me that this was really going to happen. Sure we'd been e-mailing and talking on the phone and it's been absolutely wonderful but I hadn't actually SEEN him in over 11 years. He'd seen pictures of me on my website, but I hadn't any of him... Oh boy.
His directions were great, I got there without any problems. I stopped the car and just got out to stretch and look around. It wasn't quite clear to me which was the front door.. he's an enclosed deck and there were two doors and I didn't know which one to pick. But I didn't have to figure it out, because that's when I saw him. He told the dogs "I'll be right back" then came out the door. WOW. Much better looking than I remembered. And I had forgotten what it was like to stand next to a guy who's nearly a foot taller than me. (I'm 5'8". He's 6'7".)
He gave me a great big hug (which was WONDERFUL) and helped me with my bags. I brought way too much stuff, but I didn't know what we were going to do. (I left my back-up extraneous stuff in the trunk.) Though I did say that this was mild compared to what I bring to a shoot. Once I got inside his house, the dogs greeted me. They are big dogs - huskies, but very sweet. They never bark, but they were big on licking your face. Yeah, I wasn't into the face licking so much, and after a day or two the dogs got that hint. I did let them lick my hands, though, and I petted them hello. Then I stood up and my butt was right at their snout level.
"Geez, I'm not here a full minute and they're already sniffing my butt!" I said.
"Well, that's the most interesting part," replied PD.
And I just smiled at him thinking Why yes, I do have a great butt! Thanks for noticing.
Click for PD Visit - Part 2.
I called and left a message for PD to let him know I was heading on the road on last Friday afternoon (after I finished at Temple in the morning. Yes, I packed my bags at like 6am and put them in the car before work). My ETA was 7pm-ish.
PD called back apologizing for missing the call because he was in the air. He's a private pilot's license and he was putting in some flight time when I rang.
"So tomorrow... what do you think about flying to Niagara Falls?" he asks.
"That sounds AWESOME!" I said.
He'd never been. I have, twice. Once on a family vacation over 20 years ago when I was about 11. And more recently - well, it must have been 1995 - with my sister for a weekend when we were in college. She was 20 and we both wanted to drink legally. Mom and Dad didn't know we took their car out of the country.
"Oh, wait... I don't have to actually DO anything during the flight, do I? I don't have to touch anything?" I was worried I would have some sort of instrument responsibility or some such nonsense.
"Nope, just sit back and look around and enjoy," he said. "You'd better not touch anything! That could be bad. Oh, one thing. Do you get motion sickness at all?"
"Great. Then there should be no problems."
He also said that he was heading home to clean. I told him not to panic, he'd plenty of time. I don't drive like he does - I do the speed limit most of the time and I stop to pee, get gas, and stretch my legs. I knew I was stopping at least once to fill up the tank, since I hadn't done that before I got to work in the morning. He had promised earlier in the week that he would vacuum up the dog hair before I arrived. And I did think it was sweet that he was going to straighten up the place just to impress me.
So, after I crossed the border into NY on I-81, I stopped at the NY welcome center. The rest stops in NY on I-81 are very nice, by the way. I picked up a few of the glossy tourist booklets about Niagra Falls while I was there. I didn't know what was still open or not and I sure as hell didn't remember where anything really was, so maps were helpful.
I was doing fine until two exits before his on I-81 when I had to remind myself to breathe. Deep breaths. In and Out. I do a lot of driving but man, like it hit me that this was really going to happen. Sure we'd been e-mailing and talking on the phone and it's been absolutely wonderful but I hadn't actually SEEN him in over 11 years. He'd seen pictures of me on my website, but I hadn't any of him... Oh boy.
His directions were great, I got there without any problems. I stopped the car and just got out to stretch and look around. It wasn't quite clear to me which was the front door.. he's an enclosed deck and there were two doors and I didn't know which one to pick. But I didn't have to figure it out, because that's when I saw him. He told the dogs "I'll be right back" then came out the door. WOW. Much better looking than I remembered. And I had forgotten what it was like to stand next to a guy who's nearly a foot taller than me. (I'm 5'8". He's 6'7".)
He gave me a great big hug (which was WONDERFUL) and helped me with my bags. I brought way too much stuff, but I didn't know what we were going to do. (I left my back-up extraneous stuff in the trunk.) Though I did say that this was mild compared to what I bring to a shoot. Once I got inside his house, the dogs greeted me. They are big dogs - huskies, but very sweet. They never bark, but they were big on licking your face. Yeah, I wasn't into the face licking so much, and after a day or two the dogs got that hint. I did let them lick my hands, though, and I petted them hello. Then I stood up and my butt was right at their snout level.
"Geez, I'm not here a full minute and they're already sniffing my butt!" I said.
"Well, that's the most interesting part," replied PD.
And I just smiled at him thinking Why yes, I do have a great butt! Thanks for noticing.
Click for PD Visit - Part 2.
Labels: dating, niagara falls, pd
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