The Brainchild of Miranda Lane

Saturday, February 24, 2007

What I'm watching on YouTube

I am picky when it comes to viewing content online. If I'm going to invent a few minutes of my time, I want something original, well executed with high production value. So here's some well written, well acted, well edited series which I highly recommend.

God, Inc. by francisstokesdotcom. It's a comedy about working in the corporate offices of God. Think if The Office were in charge of controlling the world. The production company has their blog on - you guessed it - You can even buy God, Inc. merchandise. Watch all six episodes. The link is to the first episode: "In The Beginning, There Was Paperwork..."

I on ichannel. It's the story of a man only referred to by the letter I, who's life is invaded by a video blog and comments can effect the plot of the series. Think Truman Show where the star knows he's being watched but those around him aren't in on it. There's a companion blog on There's ten episodes so far on YouTube, and the blog contains extra footage from I's brother. The link is to the Episode One: I feels someone watching.

Then there's JackDanyells. He's a clever vblogger and easy-on-the-eyes talking head. His clips are high quality with editing and effects (not that grainy home video feel at all), yet he still maintains that home-made feel as he'll often play multiple roles in one clip. He's many videos to choose from, but some must-see's are The YouTube Guided Tour and The Dictionary of Jack: Moot.




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