The Brainchild of Miranda Lane

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Zemandi vs iWriter

Having worked as a content provider through both Zemandiand iWriter, I have experienced both to be able to compare them fairly. Both have very similar terms, concerning how much writers get paid and how often they receive their payments. iWriter, though, has several features which make it my preferred place to go when I am looking for these types of writing assignments.

First off, Zemandi is not a scam. There is a lot of kvetching out there in the cybersphere about Zemandi. I have experienced some of the same frustrations myself, but I can say that I have always been paid for my work for them, and most of the complaints I've seen online do have policies and explanations clearly posted on Zemandi's website.

Zemandi pros

  • Writers have a default of eight hours to complete an assignment (iWriter only gives you 2 or 3 hours). You can request an extension if you need more time, as well.
  • Zemandi frequently offers bonuses during peak weeks, to incent workers to write more

    Zemandi cons

  • Writers are not able to view any of the assignment details prior to accepting it. The assignment you get could be shorter or longer than what you wanted and might not be on a topic you know much about. You pretty much get whatever is next in the queue. And if you decline the assignments too frequently, you'll have to re-qualify as a writer.

  • The only contact writers have is with support - writers are not able to get in touch with the content requestors directly, when they have questions or need clarifications. (In fact, it's not clear from the website where the clients interested in buying content through Zemandi submit their requests.)

  • As a writer, there is no clear way of tracking your rating (and thereby your rate per article). In practice, it seems the only way to earn more is to write more. To increase your earnings on Zemandi, the emphasis is on quantity, rather than quality.

    iWriter pros

  • Writers are able to view the assignment details - and approval percentage and content requestor ratings and comments left by other writers - prior to accepting an assignment. You have the ability to pick an article which is the length and topic you want.

  • You are able to contact the requester if you have questions, and you are able to rate the requester as well.

  • You can easily track your progress toward a higher rating. Higher rated writers have access to higher paying assignments. On iWriter, content requesters compete for the best writers by offering higher rates for their assignments.

    iWriter cons

  • Writers only get two or three hours to complete an assignment.

    Both Zemandi and iWriter pay via Paypal, but they will only make a payment when your account balance is at least $20. Paypal also charges you a tranaction fee every time either of these websites transfers money into your account.

    Zemandi processes payments weekly. With iWriter, you have the option to be paid weekly, bi-weekly or twice a month.

    As an aside, if you're looking to writing and other "mirco-tasks" and get Paypal payments sent to you more frequently without being charged the transaction fee, try clickworker . Note, the author receives an incentive when people sign up and earn via this link.

    The amount you earn per article on either site is comparable. Zemandi pays $2.25 for a 450 word article. iWriter offers $2.43 for a 500 word article.

    Considering that both sites allow writers to produce content for other people's websites and offer similar rates and payment terms, signing up with either can help you supplement your income by writing articles. But when you weigh the pros and cons of both Zemandi and iWriter, clearly the better overall experience for content authors is with iWriter.

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