The Brainchild of Miranda Lane

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

YouTube to the rescue

I am a Comcast subscriber and I also like to watch CNN Headline News. However (and I've written Comcast about this), Comcast News Network INTERRUPTS Headline News at :25 and :55 to insert some boring interview topic of their own - like they don't have enough channels they already own they have to interrupt something else! The response I got from my e-mail complaint was that they never actually interrupt real news - just the human interest stories at the end of the half hour - yeah, the ones they tease the whole half hour to keep you watching only to have them yanked for some boring Comcast Newsmakers spotlight that can barely hold my attention. I will say that I lodged the complaint a while ago and was surprised at the swift and relevant response from Comcast.

Anyhoo, I was flipping thru and the story they were teasing was about Marie Osmond on Dancing with the Stars. They wouldn't tell you what happened to her in the promos - and of course, that story on CNN Headline News went up at five minutes to the hour so I never got to see the story.

I found it on YouTube. It's much more dramatic that her dance partner doesn't catch her, because she makes a really big thump when she hits the floor. The Headline News promos made you think she went nuts or made some out-of-character comment. Nope, she just fainted.

But if it weren't for YouTube, I wouldn't have seen it. Stupid Comcast.

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